Who's broken their arm in London?

By pedrock at 2013-08-01 22:48:56
Hackney, London Borough of Hackney, London, UK
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2013-08-01 22:48:56


I fractured my arm four weeks ago, and recently got the cast off (yesssssssssssssssssssss!!). Any way, I purchased a unusual arm sleeve which waterproofs the cast for showers etc. (Like this)

Unless you have a giant penis and are having difficulties finding appropriate condoms, this sleeve has literally no further purposes.

I'm not planning of breaking my arm again. So I just wondered whether I could pass this on to someone in need. It was amazingly helpful and 10000% better than a synthetic bag, it works perfectly. I've only had if a few weeks and it is clean and in first-rate condition.

Let me know and I'll pass it on, or post it (obviously free). I live in Hackney so easy to get together central or there.

2013-08-02 00:26:37

Might also be good for folks who just got a tattoo

2013-08-02 02:35:37
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2013-08-02 03:06:37

That smell when you get your cast off. Ugh.

2013-08-02 04:25:37

I thought this was going to be 'no win no fee accident claim' link spam. Pleasantly surprised.

2013-08-02 06:36:37


2013-08-02 10:26:37

I know a guy who broke his leg pretty badly. Could be of value to him!

2013-08-02 15:17:37

vastly handy for keeping DNA away from the crime scene...

2013-08-02 17:36:37

I know a guy who broke his leg pretty badly. Could be of value to him!
although sending him to hackney may find his other leg broken!

2013-08-02 22:41:37

I'll have it. I haven't broken my arm in years, so I am very overdue. I like to be prepared.

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